Monday, May 8, 2017

Hope . . . don't give up!

Why do we "hope" so much?  Is it always for something better?  I think that's why I have this obsession to open and celebrate a new season all the time.  I change my bird rack in the kitchen every season, it's so important to me and I don't really know why.  I feel I'm always trying to make my surroundings a better place, why do I care so much? 

I came across this statement on Pinterest and want to share it  . . . .
"The world is dark right now.  The people are broken.  Hope is fading and our leaders are growing weak.  Here it doesn't make sense.  But, if we look up, we are reminded that we are playing a role in a much bigger story.  Be the light for a world that seems so dark".

These little decorations in my home bring me so much peace, they remind me of what's important and not to spend so much energy on negativity.  Be happy, be positive and make a difference . . .  if you can.

I made this cross stitch not to long after my husband Dave passed away.  May is his birthday month and he did make a difference in this world and yes he was very positive  . . . definitely an awesome person to be around and what an amazing sense of humor he had.  In our household we laughed everyday, seriously, even when his health was not in his favor and started declining. 

People come and go in our lives and they all leave a little residue behind.  Dave was a fighter to the very end. Thank you Dave for teaching me not to give up and by the way  . . . Happy Birthday!


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